Help us with the fight against Climate Change

You can help us create a better planet for the future generations to live on by slowing down emissions, creating solutions and helping to halt the impact before it's too late.

As a charity, FairSky Foundation has 3 core values. One of them is being able to uphold and empower Ecological Justice within the FairSky Foundation mission. This Earth is Ours is our platform to build projects in the now constant battle against climate change.

Solar Panels and Wind Turbine in snow - This Energy is Ours

This Opinion is Ours

Let’s have a look at ways that we can all continue to live our normal lives whilst we utilize new technologies, techniques and education to help regulate our planet in the fight against climate change. We are all in agreement that we all need to further promote and educate for a better and more sustainable way of life. We all need to move away from a certain way of life and to start looking at the alternatives for our future generations. This Earth is Ours will look at information on various topics and projects throughout the world to help regulate our planet within the Construction, Education, Energy, Food, Forests, Oceans, Technology, Transport and Water sectors.
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Help us evolve to change the climate threat that we all face.

We will help to contribute to fight this by championing projects across the planet. Deforestation is a major global problem and is currently still happening on a vast scale right across the Earth. This depletes our "Natural Carbon Catchers", trees and plants. We will be involved in various ecological and sustainable projects across the planet to help with the now constant fight against climate change. By supporting us you will be getting involved with vital ecological projects. Don’t be dependent on governments for this, it’ll take all of us to help out with this fight. Join us now by becoming a member of This Earth is Ours.

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